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Family shoes

Support for every individual.

Is your family having difficulty functioning from day to day?

Do you have a blended family, and are wondering how to handle the change? Are you having trouble communicating with your children? Did you recently go through a divorce or separation and need some assistance? 


Families can be very complicated and they are all different. When something big happens in life, like the joining together of two unique families, even the simple things in life can be confusing at times. Sometimes families need to sit down and talk with an expert about how to go about taking the next step, or how to handle the situation at hand. I'm trained to give you the guidance you need and prepare you for what lies ahead.


Currently, our family counseling sessions are based in Philadelphia, PA however with telehealth I can support you regardless of your location. All sessions are HIPPA compliant and conducted through a secure portal.

FAMILY Therapy

A Supportive Hug
Hiking in Nature


Restorative Therapy


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